Title: The Strangers Guide Through the Streets of London and Westminster. &c.
2nd Title: A New and Correct Plan of London and Westminster with the latest Improvements.
Slipcase Title: Wards Plan of London. Printed & Sold by W & T. Darton, Holborn Hill
Year: 1814
Publisher: Pubd. Jany 12th 1814 by Willm. Darton, 58 Holborn Hill, London.
Extent: Somers Town - Ratcliffe - Walworth - Knightsbridge
Size: 14" x 22"
Scale: 3¾": 1 Statute Mile
Notes: First title in top border. Second title in oval at top right. Compass star and map scale at bottom right. Plan of the Rules of the Fleet Prison inset at top left. Map divided into squares lettered for reference and table of references below map. City area, open spaces, etc., are coloured.
Recorded in Howgego as No. 245 (4).
Includes a "List of 200 principal streets with letters of reference to their situation" in the bottom margin.