A Plan of the City and Liberties of London,
Shewing the Extent of the Dreadful Conflagration in the Year 1666

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The Map
Full Title: |
A Plan of the City and Liberties of London, Shewing the Extent of the Dreadful Conflagration in the Year 1666
Map Maker: |
John Noorthouck |
Date: |
1772 |
Source: |
Taken from "A New History of London, Including Westminster and Southwark, to which is added, A General Survey of the Whole; Describing The Public Buildings, Late Improvements, &c. Illustrated WIth Copper-Plates." by John Noorthouck. London, 1773. |
Publisher: |
Printed for R. Baldwin, 47, Pater-Noster Row. 1773. |
Size: |
20cm x 32.7cm (8" x 13" Approx) |
Scale: |
6¾" : 1 Statute Mile (Approx) |
Extent: |
Bun Hill - East Smith Field - Southwark - Grays Inn Lane |
Description: |
Folding map showing the extent of the Great Fire of London, engraved for Noorthouck's History of London 1772. Includes a Reference To All The Churches Both In The City And Suburbs, and a Reference To Remarkable Places.
Based on Wenceslaus Hollar's 1666 map of the Great Fire of London entitled A Map or Groundplot of the City of London and the Suburbes thereof, that is to say, all which is within the Jurisdiction of the Lord Mayor or properlie calld't London by which is exactly demonstrated the present condition thereof, since the last sad accident of fire. The blank space signifeing the burnt part & where the
houses are exprest, those places yet standing.
As described by the lengthy title above, the blank part of the map clearly shows the extent of the Great Fire.
This map is represented in Howgego as No. 19, Derivative (b).
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